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Valdostan meet

Valdostan meat is produced in accordance with the supply chain procedure certified and regulated by AREV (Regional Livestock Breeders’ Association).

Our livestock is reared on a natural diet and in keeping with a sustainable system that fully respects the environment. We respect the welfare of our cattle that are fed top quality raw materials; the calves’ diet includes cow’s milk, whey and organic first and second-cut hay. Their diet is supplemented with feed-free cereals.  

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To render the meat more tender and flavoursome when cooked, it should rest beforehand for a certain period of time.

This  process, known as "hanging”, takes place in a temperature and humidity-controlled room with constant air flow to avoid drying out and the growth of microorganisms. Finally, Valdostan meat is labelled according to precise regulations set out in Regulation EC 1760/00. 

It is possible to purchase our beef from Péaquin butcher’s shop  in Saint-Vincent throughout the year, or by ordering it directly from the farm.


Our products


Arrosto - Maison Agricole Moin

Bollito - Maison Agricole Moin

Costata - Maison Agricole Moin

Cuore - Maison Agricole Moin

Fegato - Maison Agricole Moin

Fettine - Maison Agricole Moin

Filetto - Maison Agricole Moin

Ossobuco - Maison Agricole Moin

Rollata - Maison Agricole Moin

Sottofiletto - Maison Agricole Moin

Spezzatino - Maison Agricole Moin

Tondino - Maison Agricole Moin

Carne trita da sugo - Maison Agricole Moin

Carne trita scelta - Maison Agricole Moin

MAISON AGRICOLE MOIN | Fraz. Tzerpiana, 1 - 11020 Quart (AO) | Telefono +39 333 26 44 910 - +39 328 72 16 043 | Mail | PI 00533610077

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