Only first class milk that stands out for its quality and typical characteristics can be appreciated by consumers who are ever more attentive and demanding.
This is why we pay particular attention to the wellbeing of our livestock, the choice of cattle breed, their diet, cow shed hygiene, milk bottling and dairy product packaging. Our herd is strictly made up of the Valdostan breed which has undergone careful genetic selection over the years. The cattle are fed on grass and fodder growing in the farm meadows situated at an altitude of over 1,000 m, in unpolluted surroundings.
The purity and high quality of the cow’s diet give rise to products with a unique aroma and flavour that go down well at any time of the day.
The Moin family, who have been producing milk for four generations, would like to welcome consumers to their farm where milk is produced and processed, to see for themselves what their work entails – the result of years of sacrifice, passion and experience.Maison Agricole Moin
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